您的位置:首页 > 技术文献 > 大气污染监测仪器 > 近红外双通道的应用BWS-225 Dual-Channel NIR
A double beam adaptation is described for process instrumentation to achieve data stability overcoming driftslong-term fluctuations. The preferred configuration offered is that of beams separated in time rather than space, meaning that the light path is altered sequentially. In this way the light intensity is conserved by placing a switch mechanism for the light path at the source itself as opposed to fiber splitting for alternative setups. This is accomplished using B&W Tek’s newly developed BAC007 dual port light source for reliable NIR applications. Alternating measurements then allows for one spectrometer, reducing cost as well as processing requirements. Herein we provide a step-by-step procedure to
follow using the B&W Tek, Inc. Software Development Kit BW SDK to configure the double-beam setup.
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