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FUCHS PLANTOHYD 68 S价格PLANTOHYD S – Ester-Based, Environmentally Harmless Hydraulic Fluids PLANTOLUBE POLAR 15 S 900 156 15 4,1 200 <-60 PLANTOLUBE POLAR 22 S 908 145 22 5,7 200 <-60 PLANTOLUBE POLAR S oils are environmentally harmless, rapidly biodegradable and have an extremely low pourpoint. With their very high VI, they cover a wide range of temperatures and can be used as all-season oils. POLAR S oils offer outstanding corrosion and wear protection. PLANTOLUBE POLAR S oils are recommended for gearboxes, bearings and adjusting mechanisms which are subject to extremely low temperatures (e.g. in polar regions, refrigerated warehouses, etc.) and for hydraulic systems operated in similar conditions. (Consult Product Information 4-1098 for further details) PLANTOHYD 10 S 930 198 10 3,0 125 -65 PLANTOHYD 15 S 927 270 15 3,8 161 -51 PLANTOHYD 22 S 925 267 22 5,1 183 -36 PLANTOHYD 32 S 921 246 32 7,1 188 -60 PLANTOHYD 46 S 921 304 48 9,6 184 -42 PLANTOHYD 68 S 928 304 69 12,2 177 -48 PLANTOHYD 22 S NWG 905 195 22 5,5 191 -36 PLANTOHYD 46 S NWG 922 290 46 9,6 192 -36 PLANTOSYN 46 HVI 905 > 250 47 8,1 145 -30 Name Description Density Flash- Kinematic Kinematic Viscosity Pour- Main at point viscosity viscosity Index point application area 15 °C Cleveland at 40 °C at 100 °C VI °C kg/m3 °C mm2/s mm2/s Synthetic ester oils with additives to increase ageing stability. Rapidly biodegradable, > 90 % in 14 days. PLANTOHYD S and PLANTOSYN offer excellent natural wear protection (FZG Stage 12). According to VDMA Sheet 24 568, ISO 15380: 10 S: HEES 10 15 S: HEES 15 22 S: HEES 22 32 S: HEES 32 46 S: HEES 46 68 S: HEES 68 PLANTOHYD S-NWG: synthetic ester oils which are not classified as water-polluting according to German law. PLANTOSYN HVI: fully-saturated synthetic ester oil offering the highest performance. According to VDMA Sheet 24 568, ISO 15380: HEES 46. Universally applicable as hydraulic or general lubricating oils. Especially in situations where environmental protection is a priority. Temperature range: – 35 °C to 90 °C VDMA Change-over guidelines 24 569 should be observed. PLANTOSYN HVI products are recommended when temperature range, ageing stability and material compatibility are priorities. PLANTOHYD and PLANTOSYN oils out-perform mineral oil-based hydraulic oils in a number of areas. (Consult Product Information 4-110