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主营产品: 通信电源 UPS不间断电源 室外一体化电源机柜 户外电源机柜 室外电源机柜 室外通信电源机柜 通信电源机柜 室外一体化机柜 室内一体化电源机柜 嵌入式通信电源
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主要作用有: 1、箱体具有防尘、防晒、防雨等特点,全方位适应户外环境。 2、设备仓柜体采用通风散热,可选用热交换器作为散热设备。 3、蓄电池柜采用半导体制冷方式。 4、机柜具有动力与环境监控功能,能实现电源掉电、电源故障、门禁、温度、湿度、烟雾、水浸、蓄电池电压等告警并上传。 5、机柜布局合理,线缆引入、固定和接地等操作便利,维护方便。电源线、信号线和光缆都有独立的进线孔,不会相互干扰。 6、机柜内所使用的线缆都采用阻燃性材料。 7、机柜采用现场拼装方式。 总结:一体化机柜解决了建设传统基站选址难,部署慢且能耗高的缺点。
输入电压转换为-48V直流电压,为站点设备供电;针对室外应用场景,重点关注电源系统的安全防护、高效节能、稳定可靠及柔性集成等性能指标,旨在为室外站点设备提供专业的供电解决方案。 联系电话:,15727397069
产品特点 85~300VAC超宽交流电压输入范围 高效整流模块效率大于96%,节能减排 完善的模块休眠功能,进一步提高系统效率 整流模块工作温度范围达-40~+75℃,55℃输出不降额 整流模块MTBF>50万小时,可靠性高 支持热插拔技术,安装维护便利 智能化蓄电池管理和电池保护,延长电池使用寿命 支持电池防反接设计,有效避免因电池接反带来的安全和设备损坏危险 支持站点环境监控,可通过干接点、串口或网络接口实现远程管理 独立监控模块,LCD显示实现可视化监控 完备的故障保护和告警功能,信息存储容量大 电子标签功能,帮助实现全网设备存量管理 可通过华为主设备实现带内传输组网,节省传输资源,提高电源网管可靠性 一体化电源采用高集成化设计,可内置电池和主设备,支持室外站点快速部署 IP55高等级防护,环境适应能力强 风扇1+1备份,智能调速,节能降噪,提高系统使用寿命 多重防盗措施,保证设备安全运行
产品规格 类型 TP48200A-H15A3 TP48200A-H15A5 TP48200A-D15A1 系统参数 尺寸 1500mm(高)* 650mm(宽)* 650mm(深)(不含底座) 重量 <120Kg(不包括整流模块和电池) 额定容量 200A 温控方式 设备舱热交换,电池舱直通风 设备舱直通风,电池舱直通风 维护方式 前维护,支持模块更换 走线方式 机柜底部,下进下出 防护等价 设备舱:IP55,电池舱:IP45 设备舱:IP55,电池舱:IP55 环境参数 运行环境温度 -10~+45oC -40~+45oC -10~+45oC 运行环境湿度 5%~95%(无凝露) 海拔 0~4000m(2000-4000m范围,每升高200m,温度指标下降1oC) 交流配电 输入模式 三相兼容单相 输入电压 85~300VAC,额定:220VAC 输入频率 45~65Hz,额定:50Hz/60Hz 输入配置 1×63A/3P MCB 输出配置 2 ×16A MCB 交流输入防雷 C级防雷,标准雷击泄放电流:20kA,8/20μs;雷击泄放电流:40kA,8/20μs 直流配电 输入电压 42~58VDC,默认电压:53.5VDC 直流输出防雷 差模:10kA,8/20μs;共模:20kA,8/20μs 额定输出功率 11600W(标效模块)/12000W(高效模块) 电池支路 2x125A MCB BLVD 2×16A MCB LLVD 2× 63A, 2×32A MCB 整流模块 效率 >96% 输入电压 85~300VAC,额定:220VAC 监控单元 通信 方式 RS485/232, FE 传感器 电池温度传感器,门磁、环境温湿度传感器、烟感、水浸、6路电池中点电压检测 干结点 告警 8路,告警信号可配置 开关量检测 8路,1路交流防雷器告警检测,1路直流防雷器告警检测,6路备用 设备配置 室外电源:包括机柜、整流模块、电池、传感器 电源机柜:室外电源机柜根据气候选择南方型北方型; 整流模块:由负载功率和电池充电功能决定的整流模块类型和数量; 传感器:必配门禁传感器,电池温度传感器;选配环境温湿度传感器、烟感、水浸等。 电池:根据负载功率和备时时间要求选配蓄电池组数。 根据电池容量,整流模块数量和温控方式确定机柜的型号。 华为公司研发的一体化AC/DC室外直流电源系统,可以为无线接入网站点、有线接入网站点、汇聚层机房和行业客户通信机房提供稳定可靠的供电保障。 华为室外电源系列包括120A、200A、400A等多种容量产品,实现将220V交流输入电压转换为-48V直流电压。 华为室外电源产品已广泛应用于各大运营商和行业客户通信站点,可内置BBU等主设备和电池,一柜即成一个站点,帮助客户实现站点快速部署,解决站点寻址难、部署难、租金高等问题,同时帮助节能减排,相比传统室内站点,年制冷能耗节省40%以上。 简单:多种安装方式,轻松选址,易部署,网管远程集中管理,易运维; 高效:1U高功率密度整流模块(42.7W/inch3),业界的模块效率 (高达98%),高温下可靠输出(55℃以下输出不降额); 可靠: IP55高防护,多重防盗设计。 技术规格 产品型号 TP48120A - HD15A1 TP48200A-HD15A1 TP48200A-HD15A2 系统尺寸(宽 × 深 × 高) 650mm × 650mm × 1500mm (不含底座) 650mm × 650mm × 1500mm(不含底座) 650mm × 650mm × 1500mm(不含底座) 重量 120kg (不含整流模块及电池) 120kg (不含整流模块及电池) 100kg (不含整流模块及电池) 制冷方式 设备舱:热交换 电池舱:直通风 设备舱:热交换 电池舱:直通风 设备舱:热交换 电池舱:直通风 加热器:AC 500W 安装方式 落地安装\楼顶安装\靠墙安装 落地安装、楼顶安装、靠墙安装 落地安装、楼顶安装、靠墙安装 整流模块配置 4 × 30A 4 × 50A 4 × 50A 交流输入制式 220Vac单相 220/380Vac三相,220Vac单相 220/380Vac三相,220Vac单相 交流输入空开 1 x 63A/3P MCB 1×63A/3P MCB 1×63A/3P MCB 防护等级 设备舱:IP55 电池舱:IP34 设备舱:IP55 电池舱:IP45 设备舱:IP55 电池舱:IP45 电池空间 16U (2×190Ah) 16U (2×190Ah) 16U (2×190Ah) 用户空间 9U 9U 9U 交流防雷 20kA/40kA 20kA/40kA, 8/20μs 20kA/40kA 直流输出电压 -42Vdc~-58Vdc -42Vdc~-58Vdc -42Vdc~-58Vdc 直流配电 一次下电支路:2 × 63A MCB,2 × 32A (MCB) 二次下电支路:2 × 16A(MCB) 电池支路:1 x 63A/2P MCB 一次下电支路:2×63A MCB,2×32A MCB 二次下电支路:2×16A MCB 电池支路:2x125A MCB 一次下电支路:2×63A MCB,2×32A MCB 二次下电支路:2×16A MCB,1×10A MCB 电池支路:2x125A MCB 工作温度范围 -40℃~+45℃ (含太阳辐射) -10℃~+45℃ (+太阳辐射) -10℃~+45℃ (+太阳辐射) 工作海拔范围 0~4000m(海拔高度2000~4000m范围,每升高200m温度指标下降1℃) 0~4000m(海拔高度2000~4000m范围,每升高200m温度指标下降1℃) 0~4000m(海拔高度2000~4000m范围,每升高200m温度指标下降1℃)
The input voltage is converted to -48V DC voltage to supply the power supply for the station equipment. In view of the outdoor application scene, it focuses on the safety protection, efficient energy saving, stability and reliability and flexible integration of the power supply system, which aims to provide professional power supply solutions for outdoor site equipment. Contact phone: 15727397069
The product features 85 ~ 300VAC ultra wide AC voltage input range high efficiency rectifier module efficiency more than 96%, energy saving and emission reduction module sleep function, further improve the system efficiency rectifier module work temperature range from -40 to +75, 55 degrees C output rectifier module MTBF>50 million hours, high reliability support hot plug technology, The installation and maintenance facilitate the intelligent battery management and battery protection, prolong the battery life support and support battery anti connection design, effectively avoid the safety of the battery connection and the dangerous support site monitoring of equipment damage, and can realize remote management independent monitoring module through the dry contact, serial port or network interface, LCD display Realizing visual monitoring and monitoring complete fault protection and alarm function, information storage capacity large electronic label function, help to realize the whole network equipment stock management can be realized through the main equipment of HUAWEI, save the transmission network, save the transmission resources, improve the reliability of the power supply network management, the integrated design of the integrated power supply, and the built-in battery And the main equipment, support outdoor site rapid deployment of IP55 high level protection, environmental adaptability strong fan 1+1 backup, intelligent speed control, energy saving and noise reduction, improve the system service life multiple anti-theft measures, ensure the safe operation of the equipment.
Product specification type TP48200A-H15A3 TP48200A-H15A5 TP48200A-D15A1 system parameter size 1500mm (high) * 650mm (wide) * 650mm (deep) weight < 120Kg (excluding rectifier module and battery) rated capacity 200A temperature control mode equipment cabin heat exchange, battery cabin direct air equipment cabin direct wind, electricity Pool cabin direct ventilation maintenance mode before maintenance, support module replacement line way chassis bottom, down and down the protection equivalent equipment cabin: IP55, battery cabin: IP45 equipment cabin: IP55, battery cabin: IP55 environment parameters operating environment temperature -10~+45oC -40~+45oC -10~+45oC running environment humidity 5%~95% (no condensation) altitude 0~4 000m (2000-4000m range, each increase 200m, temperature index down 1oC) AC distribution input mode three-phase compatible single-phase input voltage 85~300VAC, rated 220VAC input frequency 45~65Hz, rating: 50Hz/60Hz input configuration 1 x 63A/3P MCB output configuration, 2 x 16A MCB AC input lightning protection, standard lightning discharge Current: 20kA, 8/20 Mu s; lightning discharge current: 40kA, 8/20 Mu s DC distribution input voltage 42~58VDC, default voltage: 53.5VDC DC output lightning protection differential mode: 10kA, 8/20 U S; common mode: 20kA, nominal output power module LLVD 2 x 63A, 2 x 32A MCB rectifier module efficiency > 96% input voltage 85~300VAC, rating: 220VAC monitoring unit communication mode RS485/232, FE sensor battery temperature sensor, gate magnetic, ambient temperature and humidity sensor, smoke, water immersion, 6 way battery point voltage detection dry junction point warning 8 Road, alarm signal can be configured Switch measurement 8, 1 road lightning arrester alarm detection, 1 road lightning arrester alarm detection, 6 standby equipment to configure outdoor power supply: including cabinet, rectifier module, battery, sensor power cabinet: outdoor power cabinet according to the climate selection of the South type North type; rectifier module: from the load power and battery charging The function determines the type and quantity of the rectifier module; sensor: must be equipped with door control sensor, battery temperature sensor, selection of ambient temperature and humidity sensor, smoke sense, water immersion, etc. Battery: the number of battery pack is selected according to the load power and timing. The cabinet type is determined according to the battery capacity, the number of rectifier modules and the way of temperature control. The integrated AC/DC outdoor DC power supply system developed by HUAWEI can provide stable and reliable power supply for wireless access site, wired access site, convergent layer machine room and industry customer communication machine room. HUAWEI outdoor power series includes 120A, 200A, 400A and other multi capacity products, and realizes the conversion of 220V AC input voltage to -48V DC voltage. HUAWEI outdoor power supply has been widely used in large operators and industry customer communication sites, can build BBU and other main equipment and batteries, one cabinet is a site, help customers to achieve rapid deployment of the site, solve difficult site addressing, deployment difficult, high rent problems, and help save energy and emission reduction, compared to traditional indoor sites The annual energy consumption of refrigeration is more than 40%. Simple: a variety of installation, easy to locate, easy to deploy, network management remote centralized management, easy operation and maintenance, high efficiency: 1U high power density rectifier module (42.7W/inch3), the industry leading module efficiency (up to 98%), high temperature reliable output (below 55 degrees below the output); reliable: IP55 high protection, multiple anti-theft setting Plan. TP48120A - HD15A1 TP48200A-HD15A1 TP48200A-HD15A2 system size (wide x depth * high) 650mm * 650mm x 1500mm (without base) 650mm * 650mm x 1500mm (without base) 650mm x 650mm * * (no base) weight (without rectifying module and battery) (no rectifying module and battery) (without rectifying module and battery) (no rectifying module and battery) (without rectifying module and battery) (no rectifying module and battery) (without rectifying module and battery) (no rectifying module and battery) (without rectifying module and battery) (without rectifying module and battery) (without rectifying module and battery) (without rectifying module and battery) (without rectifying module and battery), Non rectifier module and battery) 100kg (without rectifier module and battery) refrigeration mode equipment module: heat exchange battery compartment: direct through air equipment cabin: heat exchange battery compartment: direct through air equipment cabin: heat exchange battery compartment: direct air heater:
Yesterday afternoon, the new conference was held by honor. The most striking thing was not a mobile phone, but a "very scary technology".
HUAWEI boasts of this technology without stingy.
IPhone, unprecedented historical breakthrough and so on, exaggerating this technology, it really wants to use all the good words.
Is this a little too much to say?
We all know that the domestic mobile phone manufacturers today before the new machine release, that cattle blow more than a fierce, and look back to see what a handset is really cold to you?
In order to allow users to change their phones, these manufacturers are really bragging about their skins for fear that they will not be big enough.
This also makes us have to doubt that HUAWEI is still taking the same "routine".
"Scary" "scary" technology
GPU Turbo, which had been warming up for a long time, was finally unveiled.
How frightening is it?
Let's see how Yu Chengdong describes it first.
"GPU Turbo has three bright points: high performance, power saving and high quality. With it, single thread burst multithreading, so that thousand machine can also play a large hand tour, and bring HDR special effects to enhance the display effect.
Specifically speaking, the graphics processing efficiency of mobile phones is increased by 60% and power consumption is reduced by 30%.
What is the concept of this?
Yu Chengdong made a comparison with iPhoneX and millet 8. The test results show that this technology is 9 times more stable than iPhoneX and 2 times more stable than that of the iPhoneX, which is 2 times higher than that of millet 5.6.
That is to say, playing with the king's glory, the fire line, the whole army, the battlefield, and other popular hand tours, the smoothness and stability of the iPhone X and the flagship cell phone with high pass 845.
Are you scared? Is the horror a little weird?
What is more frightening is that a big wave of HUAWEI and glory mobile phones will be upgraded one after another. According to HUAWEI's statement, it will add 1500 yuan to mobile phones.
That is to say, you buy a HUAWEI Nova 3E of nearly 2000 yuan, which is equivalent to buying a iPhone6plus.
It's no wonder that Yu Chengdong gave out his bold words.
"GPUTurbo allows HUAWEI's entry - level products to surpass rivals' medium - end phones, and HUAWEI's medium - end phones are comparable to the other flagship aircraft, while HUAWEI's flagship machine can throw a street on its opponent."
But is the public more concerned about this technology? Is it really scary?
This is from the technology itself. In the final analysis, it is a graphics processing acceleration technology. In other words, it is a replacement operation for the bottom of Android system.
How do you change the problem? Which part will be changed?
In fact, HUAWEI has opened up a new file system that improves the reading function and speed of memory by improving the austerity algorithm, so that the mobile phone is running faster and more fluent.
However, it was not the first thing HUAWEI did.
Samsung started a F2FS file system in 2012 (HUAWEI now uses it), while Apple's APFS file system. These two systems can enhance the speed and fluency of mobile phones.
Now, HUAWEI is also taking part in it. If you only look at the momentum, HUAWEI seems to be more than Samsung and apple bull.
More glory is the glory of President Zhao Ming.
"Other handset brands should be hard to learn because HUAWEI has both hardware and software, and this scary technology is based on hardware and software and can not be learned in some way."
Judging from HUAWEI's speech and performance, this technology is really scary and tempting. The problem is that in other ways, it is unavoidable to make people "fantasize".
Only one day only bad Association press conference, also let the public surprise.
"A product that Apple has so far failed to achieve," Liu Jun, executive vice president of Lenovo Group and President of China region, is also constantly talking.
The appearance of the design is not to say, "never card", "let Android run in the way of iOS", "let CPU speed 25%, memory release 30%" and other eye - catching functions, and the HUAWEI that is really different.
This makes people ask: "is the Android system going to be completely revolutionary, or is it worth comparing each other?"
No wonder many netizens ridicule: "the conference has become a bragging conference."
The flicker is still true
"The mobile phone business is at risk."
Not long ago, Xu directly released the signal to the outside world.
Although HUAWEI mobile sales revenue rose 237 billion 200 million yuan last year, an increase of 31.9% compared with the same period last year, as the main force of growth, this answer seems to say the past.
But everyone knows that the global market for smartphones has entered a new stage, which means that the development of the mobile phone business is difficult to support the growth of HUAWEI.
HUAWEI's announcement of the latest "frightening technology" is intriguing.
You know, HUAWEI has announced that it will earn $150 billion in 2021 and $200 billion in the next ten years.
If this technology is really reliable, if it does not depend on it, it is fooling around to make money.
It may be the cause of "concern is disorderly", too. Because in addition to other mobile phone, HUAWEI is not very awesome.
As a pillar, the operators' business also declined year by year: 23.6% in 2016, 21.4% in 2015, 16.4% in 2014, and only 2.5% in 2017.
Even if you think HUAWEI is looking forward to 5G, HUAWEI executives are not optimistic.
In the HUAWEI industry version, 5G is just a product that is not so mysterious as advertised by the outside world.
Although the growth of mobile phones is limited, after all, it is still the main force of growth.
People who have a bit of common sense know where they are.
热门标签:华为室外一体化机柜 华为HX05-20DB 室外一体化机柜